Electric Utility Sector - Web Access Converter Module

The Web Access Converter Module allows utility customers to instantly view thermal images and monitor temperature information from designated regions of interest from any browser using utility-based servers. In addition, alarms can be triggered on any region of interest based on a temperature rise from a designated reference target and customer set temperature rise thresholds.

Web access module outdoor system
Outdoor system
Web access module indoor system
Indoor system

Features of the web access modules


[download id="11749"]
[download id="11751"]
[download id="11744"]
Table view of ROI temperatures or calculated temperature rise
Table view of ROI temperatures or calculated temperature rise
long term chart alarm threshold
Long term chart shows temperature changes on key substation components over time under different load conditions. Set warning and alarm threshold to identify potential problems well in advance

Dimensions and Connections

Web access module dimensions
Web access module dimensions
Web access module outdoor system xi 400
Web access module connections
Web access module connections

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